Greetings Perrywood Family,
On behalf of the Perrywood Parent Teacher Association (PTA), I am so excited to welcome all of our new and returning families to the 2024-2025 school year! We are looking forward to another great school year with our young scholars filled with opportunities to connect families and parents, give back to the Perrywood community, support our children and faculty, and have fun! Thank you to everyone who made it out to this year’s Popsicles on the Playground event, in partnership with the Prince George’s (PG) County Department of Public Works & Transportation, the PG County District II Police Department, and the PG County Parks and Recreation!
The Trunk or Treat event was only the beginning! Please plan on attending the virtual General Body PTA Meetings at this link here (Meeting ID: 752 3302 7997, Passcode: Perrywood) for up to date information on upcoming events, such as our Chipotle Night, Spring Festival, 5th Grade Promotion Events and more! We are always looking for helping hands and fresh ideas and there’s no better time like the present, to become an active member and get involved!
The PTA will continue to partner with Perrywood Elementary and provide additional resources to our faculty to best support our scholars and with your help we can make this another successful year for the faculty and students.
To find out how you can help and join the PTA, visit our webpage at https://perrywoodpta.com and get involved!
Let’s make it a great year!
Summer Johnson
2024-2025 Perrywood PTA President